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下面是常见的英语语言学论文题目 我们节选了前50个,大家可以自行下载页面底部的全套题目大全!

1. 浅谈非语言交际中的身势语

body language on nonverbal communication

2. 浅论英汉语被动句的异同

a brief study on the meaning of similarities and differences between english and chinese passive

3. 英式英语与美式英语的对比分析

the distinctive analysis between british english and american english

4. 隐喻理论在词汇教学中的应用

the application of conceptual metaphor theory in vocabulary teaching

5. 二语习得中的个人因素

personal factors in second language acquisition

6. 对比研究下的英汉新闻语篇中的语法隐喻

grammatical metaphor in english and chinese news contrastive approach

7. 英语诗歌语言的修辞美

the rhetorical beauty in the language of english poetry

8. 英语口语交际能力形成的培养

the formation of communicative competence in oral english training

9. 美国黑人英语特色研究

the phonological features of american black english

10. 法律新词在英语中的应用

the new legal words used in english

11. 从词汇方面分析英语中的性别歧视语

analysis on the glossaries of gender discrimination from the lexicological aspect

12. 英语中的否定句

on the english negative sentences

13. 非言语交际中的面部表情的特征

the signs of facial expression in non-verbal communication

14. 词义演变的原因和方式

on the causes and ways of evolution on word meaning

15. 言语行为理论对语言教学的影响

the influence of speech act theory on language teaching

16. 从交际功能看英汉委婉语

a comparative analysis of english and chinese euphemisms from the perspective of communication function

17. 论文摘要的语类结构分析

the analysis of generic structure in english thesis abstract

18. 语言环境对二语习得的影响

influence of language environment on second language acquisition

19. 公共演讲的文体特征

stylistic features of public speech

20. 关于英语幽默的文化特点的研究

a study of cultural features in english humor

21. 浅谈科技文中动词名词化现象及其翻译

the analysis on nominalization in est and its translation

22. 语境在话语理解中的作用

on the role of context in utterance interpretation

23. 运用词块法记忆英语单词的实效研究

on the effectiveness of chunks in the memorization of english words

24. 试论动词-ing形式在中学教学中的应用

the study of v-ing form and its application to teaching in middle school

25. 英语写作目的与写作风格之间的联系

the relation between english writing purpose and its style

26. 青年流行语及其社会文化心理探微

research on vogue words and the related social cultural psychology of the young

27. 关于肢体语言的研究

study on body language

28. 从美国总统奥巴马就职演说辞看其演说的文体风格

stylistic analysis of the inauguration speech of american president barack obama

29. 论广告英语中的句法特征

on syntactic characteristics of english for advertising

30. 母语习得与二语习得的对比

the comparison between native language acquisition and the second language learning

31. 浅析英语句子的歧义性

an analysis on ambiguity in english sentences

32. 语用失误及其策略研究

33. 会话含义初探

analysis of conversational implicatures

34. 交际中性别差异的研究

study of gender differences in verbal communication

35. 浅析母语对二语习得的影响

on the influence of mother tongue on the second language acquisition

36. 论语境在话语理解中的作用

the function of context in language interpretation

37. 浅谈模糊语的语用功能及其应

analysis of pragmatic functions of vague language and its application

38. 英语歧义现象初探

the analysis of ambiguity in english

39. 论英语中的性别歧视现象

on sexism in english

40. 动物词的中英文化内涵对比

different connotation of animal words between english and chinese culture

41. 沉默在英语会话中的运用及影响因素

the use of silence in conversation and its implication

42. 英语新闻的批判性分析

a critical analysis of english news reports

43. 英语词汇中的外来语词汇的演变

the developments of english loan words

44. 英语新闻标题的特点分析

the characteristics of english newspaper

45. 关于英语习语文化内涵的探讨

a study of english idioms from the perspective of culture

46. 浅析英语中的歧义现象

a brief discussion on ambiguity in english

47. 语境对词义的影响

the effect of context on the meaning of the words

48. 交际中的说谎探究

a study of lying in the communication

49. 形态学探究及在翻译中的应用

exploration on morphology and its using in translation

50. 浅析英语双关语在广告中的语用功能

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