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高分Persuasive Essay写作需要具备哪些要素

高分Persuasive Essay写作需要具备哪些要素

Persuasive Essay写作贯穿美国的小学至大学。不仅是日常的作业,还是考试,经常会出现这类文体的写作哦!此外,在演讲中,说服的技巧也经常被使用。Persuasive Essay主要是希望通过摆事实,讲故事,列数据,或举例等方式说服他人接受自己固有的观点或对某件事情的看法。在学习和练习的过程中,能够学会有效说服他人的方法。那么一篇高分Persuasive Essay写作需要具备哪些要素呢?

        可以用读者熟悉的事物进行举例,或者仔细推敲的语言来引人入胜。We should have a definite point of view and maintain the reader's interest. Throughout, we make use of language to ensure that it's really interesting to whoever is reading it, whether using examples of things that are familiar to the reader or just good language to engage the reader.

        比如举个很简单的例子,外面很冷,所以我们要穿件外套。为了说服别人相信我们的观点,这其中的逻辑关系应该是合情合理的。Make sure using sound reasoning. For example, it's cold outside, so let's wear a jacket. There should be a very sound reason for why people should believe what we are trying to convince them. 

        比如还是刚才很冷的观点,我们可以说外面只有零度来支撑这个事实。Use solid evidence. For example it's cold outside and we can support it by saying it's 0 degree. 

        Show awareness of the intended audience. Knowing who we are speaking to in our writing, how we can win them over and how this type of people can be persuaded.

        It might include research about the topic so the evidence is convincing. Sometimes we need to collect additional facts and info to support our views.

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