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想让Common App Essay脱颖而出,你需要这些方法

暑假忙着托福SAT,小伙伴们是不是已经焦头烂额了呢?不要急不要急,我虽然托福SAT没准备完,可我Common App Essay也没写啊!日报支招,让DIY留学的你看看如何五招把你的common essay改至完美。

消灭闲篇子:Eradicate cliches

很多时候我们会用很多自以为华丽的辞藻,比如:‘spine-tingling’或者‘deafening silence’ 想要让我们的文章看起来充满了书卷气。WRONG!!这样的大街词只会让你的申请文书看起来又无聊又没有想象力。用这样老生常谈的话其实说明了你的词汇量是很匮乏的,所以在写完你的essay之后再检查一下就显得尤为重要。这些词其实有很多别的替换的词可以用,而且也可以达到同样的效果。

Too often we depend on phrases we believe sound catchy, like ‘spine-tingling’ or ‘deafening silence’ to add vibrancy to our writing. However, in reality, cliches leave an essay to appear dull and unimaginative. Cliches can also hint at a lack of vocabulary. It’s important to take a critical scan over your writing, and highlight all the cliches that have crept into your essay - then delete them! There are plenty of synonyms you can draw on to replace commonly used words to really capture your reader’s attention.

文章结构紧密:Tie it all together


Admissions officers are reading tens of thousands of common app essays, so you want your piece to shine for its tight structure and well-articulated prose. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to show a clever link back from your intro to your conclusion. Consider using an image that you can thread through your essay from the beginning, to refer to in your conclusion - this shows your ability to structure a coherent essay.

走点心:Take time to reflect on a specific event


To avoid generic statements that can lack focus and direction, choose a specific event that you can write about clearly. Describe a significant moment in your life to add weight to your story and inject real character into your writing. For example, talk about working part-time at your local burger shop and describe the task of carefully wrapping burgers. A very personal, distinct image is key- it’s much easier to describe a particular scene vividly than to write about a broad event. The person reading it knows exactly what you’re talking about and so will you!

多用比喻:Use extended metaphors


Show your literary skill and add color to what can otherwise sound like a report, by being crafty with a range of literary devices . Similes and alliteration are two sophisticated tools to splice through your piece. These effects will unify your essay.

生动的描绘:Vividly describe people


Don’t be afraid to get personal and go into specific detail - a person’s expression as they approach you or the particular weave of the wool jumper they’re wearing. Really characterize what you are seeing as a reader. No depth of detail is too much when it comes to your essay.


《1001 Things Every College Student Needs to Know - Harry Harrison》

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点评:This is a remarkably readable book for young people ready to enter college. The advice is concise, but often presented in a humorous fashion. Because it isn't a wordy tome, the book invites readers to read just a little bit more, and the topics covered are important for consideration.

The fresh advice covers topics today's high school students probably haven't though about, and it may surprise them to learn that there are often a variety of ways to address a problem
